Talip Mert was born in Sivas in 1953. He received his license from Khattat Hâmid Aytaç, and continued taking illumination classes from Ahmed Süheyl Ünver between 1974-1977. He took illumination classes from Çiçek Derman and İnci Ayan Birol at Çarşıkapı Kara Mustafa Paşa Madrassah Kubbealtı Academy. Mert’s album named “Gül Destesi” is the first example of sazyolu pattern understanding. He worked as a researcher and a khattat at Islamic Culture, Art and History Research Center (IRCICA) between 1985 and 1989. Some of the students he trained are Selman Eğilmez, Sabri Kazanlı, Hüseyin Binici and Süleyman Bütüner.