City/ District:
İstanbul / Fatih
Emin Barın Kâğıt ve Cilt Atölyesi, Divan Yolu Cad. Boyacıahmet Sok. Barın Han No: 4 Çemberlitaş - İstanbul
0539 314 15 41

Betül Oral was born in Konya in 1976. She is a graduate of Selçuk University Faculty of Education Department of School Teaching. She received bookbinding training from Prof. A. Saim Arıtan and İslâm Seçen, illumination training from Ersan Perçem, marbling training from Mahmut Peşteli. Oral worked on classical bookbinding at İslâm Seçen Workshop for fifteen years, and received bookbinding and paper restoration training. She did the restorations of hundreds of manuscripts, rescripts, maps, kuburs (cases that contained documents in Ottoman period), cases, muraqqas and khatt plates. Oral took bookbinding classes at Destegül School of Fine Arts, Bookbinding Department between 2000 – 2004, and attended the Bookbinding Courses organized by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and the Directorate of National Education in 2005. She worked as a master instructor in bookbinding branch at İSMEK for eight years, and has been teaching bookbinding at Küçükçemece Academy of Traditional Arts since 2013. Oral has also been working as a bookbinding restoration instructor and doing the restorations of the manuscripts at Süleymaniye Manuscript Library since 2014. She participated in events about bookbinding both at home and abroad. Some of the students Oral trained are Nihan Ayhan, Burak Kara, Fatih Hündür.