City/ District:
İstanbul / Eyüp

Gülten Kosova Biltekin was born in Istanbul in 1985. She is a graduate of Anadolu University Business Administration Faculty. Biltekin was introduced to the art of marbling at İSMEK courses in 2009, and started taking classes from Firdevs Çalkanoğlu in 2010. She participated in “The Flowers of Heaven Marbling Exhibtion” organized at Taksim Subway Exhibition Hall in 2012. Biltekin won second prize with her work titled “Menekşe Hatip” (means ‘the violet preacher’) in the Traditional Arts Competition organized in 2013, and received her marbling license at Muhabbet Marbling Exhibition organized at Dolmabahçe Palace Art Gallery in 2015. She has been giving classes at Firdevs Çalkanoğlu Marbling Workshop since 2015.