City/ District:
İstanbul / Tuzla
Postane Mahallesi Şiir Sokak Mabeyn Konakları A3 Tuzla/İstanbul
0530 944 31 88

I completed my academic education on economics and worked in professional life until the age of 35. After living abroad for a while in 2012, I returned to my country and started to work in art, which was an old love for me. When I met our teacher Gülen Kesova and stepped into the world of glazed tiles, I knew where to stop. Later, we started the ongoing studies with our teacher Nilgun Yılmaz. I attended the vocational training center exams and got my mastership certificate. I taught in the branch of glazed tile for 2 years at Darıca Public Education Center. I had the opportunity to explain our outstanding art to nearly 100 students and support them in gaining competence in performance. Working on replicas of Iznik works abroad is the area that I find especially important and work on most of the time. Another area I work on is to develop studies on applying Seljuk geometric patterns to vertical forms.